As our trip to Phuket gets closer I still wonder what glorious sights I am going to come across!... Today I open the newspaper and came across this! I don’t really understand why people would think piercing would cleanse the body, but I get it. What I don’t get is piercing your cheeks with pineapples!!!! I mean what kind of crazy fucked up person do you have to be to do this kind of shit? I hope this is well over by the time we get there!
On a good note though, I have been looking on the internet for weather forecasts and it has said thunder storms. If this was recent it looks fucking mint!
I know its not really funny as someone has actually died, but really!.. What are the chances of such an accident happening anywhere else in the world?? I know I would have continued to clap and thought it was part of the act if I was sitting there!
HOLY SHIT!!!.. I have to say one of the scariest things about going on this holiday was the thought of getting my jabs!.. I know to some people out there the thought of spending over 2 weeks with Little Miss Thornton could be quite scary, but over the years I have grown to accept Wendy for what she is, so I am no longer scared of her! Sure there might be the odd night when were down in the go go bars that she might jump up and join the nice ladyboys with piss down her leg cause she hasn’t been able to make it to the toilet, but that’s just one her good qualities!
Well anyway.. went to see the nice nurse last night and she drew up 2 mammoth syringes! No lollypops or stickers were given, but it wasn’t as traumatic as I thought it was going to be!.. Over and done with in 5 mins and I was out the door with my new fancy hepatitis in my arm and some other crap! She asked when the last time I had a tetanus which I seemed to recall was when I was in school… she brought up my records and I seem to have had quite a few in my adult years!.. Thinking back there have been a few occasions when I have woken up with cuts and splits and I have had to goto the hospital for a few stitches and jabs.. One night in the Pink Flamingo I run across the dance floor and fell and hit my chin.. I blame the home brew peach snaps, not the Buckfast!.. Little cousin Andrew tried to help me but the bouncers kicked me out and big sis took me to holpital in the morning.. then I was jokinly kicked off my chair in Chicago Rock in Boro by my mate Andrew… im seeing a connection here!!!Ended up with a split head and a shot then too!
Well that’s all for now.. jabs over and im still alive to tell the tale!
Well i thought it was about bloody time that i updated this blog thing! Afterall, it is now less than 6 weeks til' we're in Asia. Below is a picture of what a first class seat with Cathay Pacific Airlines looks like - oh how fantastic it will be to stretch out like that - there's nothing like a good sleep on a comfy bed to sleep off the drunkness in first class darling!!! I think we'll fit right in, i do!